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Earn your BSA Kayaking Merit Badge

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List of companies with Kayking Merit Badge programs

There are a number of professional organizations that can help you get your kayaking merit badge. The downside is that they will charge you to help you get the merit badge, but the upside is that they provide all the equipment you need.

We don't endorse any of these companies; we have just provided a list of them. Please contact these businesses for more information on the services they provide.





  • Kayak Morris offers the Kayak Merit Badge and free camping along with it.

    Says Janee from Kayak Morris: "Less than 1 hour from Chicago! Unique Rentals, Eco Tours, Lessons and Beach camping on the sandy wooded shores of the Illinois river, Mazon river and the Illinois & Michigan canal. We love beginners & Families and can design a trip for your scout group, church group or corporate event. We offer monthly group Glampouts(glamorous campouts) that feature a potluck, hiking, biking, guided kayak tours and a movie on our outdoor movie screen!"

  • The Kayakers - Can work with groups of 2 - 14 scouts.


South Carolina

  • Get Your Gear On - Looks like an old flyer offering the Kayaking Badge (which is different than the merit badge). We are in the process of contacting them to make sure they offer the merit badge.